The Blue Forest
Hanamaro Chaki, is a Tokyo-born artist. Hana studied Fine Art Printmaking at the University of Brighton. Since then she has been working and living in Barcelona. Hanamaro says of her latest exhibition, The Blue Forest: “Although the themes of my paintings are based on personal experience, I intend to make some communication with the audience through these images. The narrative of the images could inspire their own story, which could be different from mine. This actually happened on the last exhibition that I had in Barcelona. Some audience members later wrote me stories and poems about my paintings. Painting with symbolic motifs such as the animal head portraits, try to focus on states of mind such as anxiety, cruelty, and insanity. My paintings are about the hidden nature of such feelings. I returned to England this summer and found the experience to be inspiring, and a source of creativity in terms of my new work. It is my intention to exhibit my work in the UK and share my creative experiences with a new audience.”
By Vanessa Clifton, 2004.